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I wonder what type of music people expect girls to produce... rainbows, sunshine, puppies? Life is so beautiful?


I wonder.... if you listen to my music, do I seem like a girl or a boy?

@neutrinoP I think it's because many producers are men around your age though, so they're not as surprised?

Is it such an odd thing? I didn't think it was too special

When I tell people I produce music, they become surprised. When I tell them I'm a girl that produces music, they become very surprised and cannot believe it.

有名な女ボカロP…OSTER PROJECTとCrusherP?

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ボーカロイド好きが集うMastodonインスタンス、通称「ボカロ丼(ボカロドン)」です。 ** This server is for "Vocaloid" lovers. If you are not, please select other server. **
