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“If you don’t fully understand music, you end up working for the technology instead of the technology working for you” - Quincy Jones

Now I can prove what they're doing behind me, not just in front of me 🤣 🤪

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Romainan? I think he wasn't. But even so, is one of the many reckless drivers just in my city.

「Who am I feat.鏡音リン 【オリジナル】」をニコニ広告しました。by 文月フミト

People against anime-tic picture are really problem in YouTube. I 'm tempted to draw the "plastic style" character. ( Plastic style is Mamoru Nagano's idea)
Example fanart.

The only reason I still keep my youtube channel. It's very good to test my new dual camera, to show some reckless drivers, and to keep a track of eventually police abuse.
About my works though... meh 😅 Let's forget about me using youtube anymore for that.

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ボーカロイド好きが集うMastodonインスタンス、通称「ボカロ丼(ボカロドン)」です。 ** This server is for "Vocaloid" lovers. If you are not, please select other server. **
