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Question: Is any artist willing to collaborate with one GUMI Anniversary image to be used in the new song? If yes, please DM. If not, I will generate one image with MMD anyway. But it would be nice to have one more artist featured in this song.

Just finished the BGM and big surprise to see that Vocaloid5 has an update since May....
I was out of it for too long 😅

I'm trying hard to overcome the chemotherapy with all it involves, and since I have some decent lyrics, I will try to make a new cute song... hopefully I can release it in two days from now 🤔

Endurance time.
I put too much effort in today's work, and the chemo side effects have kicked in together with the tumors' reaction. Oh well.....


Good idea / bad idea
To make a song from mosquito sounds samples only.

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