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Thoughts (while waiting for the curry noodles) 

So after I replaced the battery and started the nice SUV, I came back here, and tried to see some possibilities in which I could "beg for donations" for my crazy purpose.
I found that so many, SO MANY people are asking money for the same thing! But I'm too ashamed to do my own funding page for this. So.. I'm better staying as is, and just dreaming about the day I would go to visit places I can't go with my Mitsu, because is too low near the ground.

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Thoughts (while waiting for the curry noodles) 

Few days ago I gifted the original EFB Mitsu battery to my neighbour, and replaced the one dry on a for-sale Peugeot 3008. It's his sister selling it, is a diesel, and is in very good condition, despite being 2006 manufactured.
If I would have the 5500 EUR, I would buy it! I need a taller car to go up on the mountains to enjoy strong winds.

Going to prepare myself some curry noodles and then will sleep through the heat after eating. 😊

I'm just sitting here and having flashbacks. Before 96 I would record such a "progressive rock" song on tape in less than an hour.
Took me several days to complete the correct playing of the parts and record them, despite of the tech advancements.
I'm paralysed, that's a huge difference.

Every license purchased is the proof for legit acquiring the product. Even after the product is no longer on the market, the proof of legal ownership of the product is there.
Just like my Windows XP 😂

I love NND.
Despite the language barrier, I think my music is starting to be noticed. And true music has no barriers.
But it needs open-minded listeners though ...🤪 🤣

need... more... beer...
(I think the hype for the new song is still too high)

As I said, I've decided to make music which will sound pleasant to musicians, and very unpleasant for the noise-consumers. And I should keep this up as much as I can. Screw popularity, I want to tell my story in my music in my own way.

37°C outside now and rising...
Keeping everything closed maintains 26°C in room 😊
Also ... beer time 🍺🍻🙏🤪😁

Youtube stats: 33 plays, 3 comments and 10 likes 😅
Still... 33333333

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naaahhh... very weak wind in the area of interest tonight and the whole week ahead, so... staying at home and beer time!

Time to analyse the weather, and if tonight's going to be a bit more windier at the lake, I should go there. But if the wind is still weak, then I should ... drink some beer now and sleep.

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