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dang I should be sleeping but I can't... I should be eating something but I can't... I should be making the new song but I can't... THIS CHEMO SUX

I will try to make the next song based on this theme, and I will fight with the effects of chemo at the same time. Hopefully I can release the song by 26th

Today, everything that would normally look cute to me is no longer appealing. Today, everything that would look beautiful to the world to me it shows its ugliness. I see everything naked.

Why I'm posting these? Memories of a good part of my life, despite of the regime I was living in. But the creator, composer, producer of these songs has left from here, and was named as "the traitor of the golden era" in Romania. He is Michael Cretu. (also known for his Enigma project)

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This chemotherapy reminded me of good songs. One of them is this: Snadra - Loreen (1986)

First chemo day today, and I started feeling the side effects.
4 more weeks to go, one session weekly.
I just hope it works, despite of the sickness is causing, because I don't want my entire brain being invaded by the tumor.

Discovered last night that the license plate light is going on and off. Now I went and discovered how easy is to replace it (thanks Mitsu! 🙏 ). I think that the old one is as old as the car 🤣

The incoming storm which I had to run from. Nikon sees better. Yes, that's how dark it was.
Good thing that I was there and not at home, it was medium size hail here, quite damaging.

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