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I think that the video it just has been showcased in some NND Live, otherwise I cannot explain the sudden jump from 75 views to over 300 views in just minutes 😅

Just up.
hmmm... there's not much fuzz happening... well, I sorta was expecting this in the modern era to happen 😅

One last share before going to sleep.
"Sanity" feat. GUMI English
Fresh release!
Please enjoy. :dot_gumi:

Out of curiosity I tested Google Translate. Translated to Japanese what I wrote, and then back to English. WOW! The result is pretty close to original!

I got rid of all monitors, and avoided to get new ones. TO my taste, my vintage setup sounds better than anything, very natural, very "in the face", and very rough. No "beautifying sound", nothing to interfere with the analog sound. And now with the acoustics of the room improved, the results are what I've dream about since I was a child.

Please don't worry. All the good sound engineers in the world are old, and they not just that can barely distinguish 14kHz, but they also have a "notch" at 6kHz, and that's why is very difficult to talk with them 🤣 🤣 🤪

Now that my "courage" has been unlocked, please allow me to ask for honest opinion about my new song. Please just don't throw with rocks 😅


We also have here the Asahi Super Dry beer, made by the same URSUS factory. Very good!

... should I have a beer now before going to sleep? so I'll be fresh tonight for a possible drive....

Like doc says: "It hurts? GOOD! It means you're ALIVE!" 🤣

The same heat will be here 3 days starting from today. Expecting 43°C

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