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I won't post another pic with me wearing what I feel the best comfortable clothing 🤣

Strangely enough we still have 33°C now, which points that the expected cooling of tomorrow will be around 24°C, still too warm for late September 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Had to wash Mitsu again, too much Saharan dirt (I can name it "Hunedoara dirt!!! 🤪🤣) But I discovered new scratches on it, "thanks" to the garbage cleaners who MUST pass between parked cars with their trash bags 👹😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🖕🖕🖕🖕

Oh myyy ❤️
あまり知られていないニコニコの便利機能紹介、「結月ゆかり」ボイスでお馴染みの声優・石黒千尋氏の「ニコニコ古参エピソード」など 『週刊ニコニコインフォ 第10号』レポート

Looking at the air masses, and I notice several high pressure anomalies creating corridors to hot air flow which go way too much near the poles. Of course we have here summer like temps with dust and drought. It's like someone wants Romania's agriculture to perish.

It feels like tropical night. 24°C.
Day time we have 37 or 39°C...
... is it ... really September?

For my taste though, I should be able to edit the dress a bit, so the back would be longer than the front. (the design I like to make for myself)

Just had my after-meal beer, and it hit the spot really quick. I must sleep for a while. Definitely I will dream about being a girl, wearing my cute self-made dress, and making people jealous 🤪 🤣

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