thank you 🥺
@yesdotsampr Thank you for your welcome. Hope we can have fun together~
@darkbluecat However, please keep in mind that you will be banned if the administrator decides that you do not want to talk about VOCALOID... 😱
@yesdotsampr Ohh that’s sucks. I also make music for a lot of things and play videogames. Vocaloid is great but not my entire world…
Thank you for the heads up, let’s see what’s good.
@darkbluecat me gustan estos elementos y la posibilidad de escribir con spoilers me agrada.
@rockko Está super bien pensado, me imagino que implementar estas cosas va mucho mas rápido que la burocracia corporativa que debe ser Twitter
@darkbluecat Welcome to Vocalodon, where people who like Vocaloid meet and chat in LTL, local timeline ( Login required), so please take a look.💪(°∀°💪)
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