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Remember this pic? Then you should remember where's the 4th cat. 🤣

See these? They are leftover bread peels from mom, I put them to dry so they won't get mouldy, and will consume them later with water. This is what I have to eat for the rest of the month if nobody will donate to me anything.

The new AI model is drawing me like this after is searching through my X posts.
What is going on?

Literally nobody wants to help.
I should be living in Canada where they would euthanize me without hesitation.
6 people have given a little in two months, and it appears that not even will to share the campaign for others to see.
I also receive death threats from everywhere, "you have to go, you have rotten brain" and such messages.
Even the picture they find it offensive, so now is being hidden when promoting this.

Grok says that this is my guardian angel GUMI, and I have nothing to complain.

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Because I post a lot about cute sexy dresses, A.I. keeps thinking that I'm a woman 🤣
"This is neutrinoP today" says A.I.

Now which one would be GUMI and which one would be neutrinoP, according to A.I.? 🤣🤣🤣

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