It was funny 🤣
There are 4 cute clips saved. They did a good job with the model 😁
@Kirimisakana 17.3" is enough for 1080 resolution. Can read perfectly even staying at a bigger distance. But compared to the 43" 4K screen is so tiny🤣 I hope it will also save on the power bill, especially now when the electricity cost goes up with 100%, so anime to keep me company is too expensive to run nonstop 😅🤣
@yesdotsampr no fire, just a loud crack and some smoke 😅 I'm surprised it went so well for 8 years running almost non-stop. Very power-hungry.
Two of my final songs are on the GUMI 12th anniversary album. m(__)m 🙏 😊
@m_a It feels really strong, especially after such a long break from drinking. I think I will spend my rest of the day sleeping 🤣
@m_a So true 🤣 They demand so much attention
Vocaloid music and content creator. Favourited is GUMi
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