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I finally had some of my hearing return, the tumour is pressing lighter on the hearing nerve, so I finally had some courage to listen to what I've done without hearing anything but my tinnitus.
To my surprise, the song is decent, and the sound is how I was imagining it to be.

If I tell you that I have to pay 6.52 USD per gallon of fuel for Mitsu....
That's 12.5 gallons for a full tank.
81.5 USD.
And of course, the fuel is premium, from MOL (Hungary) which have the same prices as Rompetrol, but definitely higher quality.

Crazy April 

Today is going to be hot, 34°C expected in the southern region of the country. Then tomorrow the heat will start going away, Wednesday we'll get at most 13°C. Very dangerous oscillation.
Of course my tumours are acting up like crazy today.


One of my rare posts.
Since I'm no longer allowed to complain, because certain people would get upset, I stayed silent, but now it's time to say it.
My tumour has extended, eating from the brain even more. Further, the second tumour in the left frontal lobe has appeared, causing even more pain and seizures.
As it feels today, I don't think I will make it over this weekend.
If I have to cough it feels like someone is striking my head with an axe.
If I get silent, it means I'm gone.

V6 Ai sings "SANITY", my original song.
Indeed, GUMI nails it!
A more adult, more strong, and more close to what I would enjoy in real life, especially for Progressive Metal genre, and GUMI handles it exceptionally. 🥰
Version available only here on X.

Music, instruments, recording, arrangements, master:

Enjoy. 🙏👍💪😁 :dot_gumi:

Just looked it up.
So my Easter comes on March 31st.
The Orthodox Easter is in May 5th (!!!!!)
I still cannot understand their method of calculation. 🤦🤪

Generation 78 Dalida
Many don't understand why I still enjoy this.

Pay attention to the details of arrangements and orchestration.

If everything goes well... I might reconsider deleting the official account.
It would be much better for me to share any new songs directly on X without using YouTube anymore.

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I had now the chance to test X video quality. Sound wise mostly!
I think they did great! :dot_gumi:

@m_a 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I hope that the rogue employee has been served justice.

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