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A.I. says that based on my posts, this is me today.
I confess: I WISH!
Another confession: I'm going to be wasted soon. Jack Daniels, and cola. Good mixture to anaesthetise myself and not feel any more pain. If I will survive and I can go forward, I will write a new song even if I can't hear anything but my tinnitus.
I'm so tired of the huge pain, and of all the issues, including the lack of money. So either I'm going on away, or I still be here and create something.

@xv30805080 Yes, it is abnormal, more likely artificial.
Proof that is not a natural occurrence will come Monday, when the region will heal itself at 25°C

43°C outside, I have 29°C indoors.
Monitoring the development of the storms coming over from Serbia.

Is quite strange, simultaneously 3 extreme weather warning at once.
1) Extreme high temperature followed by abrupt cooling
2) Heavy storms to arrive
3) High concentration of Saharan dirt in the air, it makes all cars to turn brown.

Yay 45°C...
Stormy afternoon has been announced, we are on orange to red alert.
The downside: I can't drink a beer, I must be vigilant and ready to run away from the storm with Mitsu if I see hail on the radar.

A.I. gone crazy from the heat 

A.I. says that today this is 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Reality is the opposite...

Still acceptable temperatures today, while I was waiting for my giant pizza to be ready. Next week will become hotter and hotter, as expected for this season 😁

@Kirimisakana It's OK, I just made myself two fried eggs and ate them, and now the third glass will just wash them down before sleep. 😁
But expect some acid replies on politics on X while I'm still up 🤣🤣🤣

Woohooo! I'm at the third glass, and I'm still active.
i think i will soon go to bed and sleep like never before.

Remember last time I had Jack Daniels?
I think it was back in 2018.
Today I opened a new bottle!
It's going to be interesting 🤪🤣

Earlier today, a rainbow between storms, and the most orange evening I have seen.

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