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@m_a My Mitsu has no such thing. It has a blue light when it's too cold, and it has the orange light if goes above 90°C.

One last heatwave expected for today and two more days, but not as hot as previous, temps below 40°C (it's normal I might say). Starting Tuesday the first autumnal signs in the pattern will settle.

Even without resources and with Mitsu running on vapor, and defying the pain, I went this early morning to capture these images.

19th pressure regulation brain surgery date is approaching FAST!
August 28th

@Kirimisakana Yep, that's what I do now, while confirming all the "conspiracies" I received last night 🤣❤


USA now being a complete laughing stock for the whole world.
You know that China is flexing more muscles because of that?

Can't believe how much dust has been accumulated in my room for two weeks without vacuuming. Today I made an extra effort and vacuumed, I had to empty the can 3 times!
Now my whole body hurts, effing paralysis.

Conspiracy no-more-theory 

The moment when I've learned that Twitter, Facebook and subsidiaries had an active role in Afghanistan takeover by terrorists. Now I have 100% certitude.
I'm tired to be right.

Imagine a true 3D screen, like a cube.
Now imagine the graphic card handling that, and the code software needed.
And imagine the 3D mouse pointer programming.

@sakuyamochi We are calling them "mici" in Romania (pronounced like [ミち] with very short [i] at the end). A very spicy mix of meat and seasoning, usually grilled, but at home can be cooked nicely too without smoke.

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