I like this https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/51434844
Was challenged and I accepted
Was good to see if my Mitsu still holds up. Indeed, is allowing me to keep the pace with a powerful SUV climbing that steep hill. Now I'm sure that the engine has the 101HP written in the car's book when it was brought in the country by our authority. https://youtu.be/CwqOt6s2Kwg
"Autumn song.... autumn song.... Here it is! Autumn song!"
「GUMI」 The Falling Season 「ORIGINAL」
🤪 🤗
@m_a Not just twatter, but youtube too. Can you find any Vocalekt Visions' works lately on youtube? I think not.
Vocaloid music and content creator. Favourited is GUMi
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