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I'm humbled! Many thanks! 80 plays is something indeed for me! 🙏 :dot_gumi:

Dare to ask me other secrets, while the beer is working like a "truth serum" 🤣


@marin_kml You're not the only one 💪

About the song"Invisible Particle" again.
You will notice the very few LIVE instruments.
The drums, the bass guitar, the acoustic guitar, and the piano.
4 instruments, managing to make such a complete, full sound.
Added to the refrain a bell synth, and the solo made with electric guitar.
I'm on the principle "less means more" which I decided to arrange this song with.
And using a single voice, without back vocals brought the feeling of live performance on stage.
I like how it has came out ❤

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I was very surprised indeed, GUMI English V3 under V5 editor still has so many unknown features hidden, managing to get so much POWER despite being a soft-cute voice by design.
And despite some few minor pronunciation issues here and there, it has overpowered Ellie completely.
This reminded me about the song "Hello Sunshine" I made for Chika, and after I remade it with GUMI... everything has changed, even Noboru san telling me "I prefer the GUMI version" 🤣

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Not hidden disclosure.
The song "Invisible Particle" was made after one year JWard-L has made the lyrics, describing my own life as he sees it (with some funny twist in it too).
Initially I wanted the song to be featured in the Eleanor Forte Ai demo, but we all know how the activists have turned it down, causing Volor to drop my demo.
So, in revenge, I made it with GUMI and released it, noticing how GUMI's voice has behave so much powerful, so much soulful, and expressive, and Ellie.
Not sorry.

May I... spam a little? Pwetty pwease?
「GUMI」 Invisible Particle 「ORIGINAL」

...but today is going to be politics..... errrmmm... beer day 🤡🤣

Finally I got them. Enough for the whole year. It's my favourite from all white wines.

Starlight piercing so strong through the fog it has turned blue-ish, -6°C. Yep! Winter is near. 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶

Did not went to the store to get me wine. Maybe tomorrow.
I still have access to a beer though, I might spend then the night in bed, ignoring that there's a large part of the world willing to send me flying to the end of it. 🤪👺🤡

Still, I must admit it: GUMI has surpassed Ellie. And it's still the original 2013 voice bank! :dot_gumi:

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