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Monday, when the winter storm is in full, the windows replacement will take place. Need to be prepared for a very cold day 🤪 😂

I kept an eye on them to not spray their corrosive chloride disinfectant on our cars 😅

Today I will make the usual weekend schnitzel, but the difference will be in the omelette which will contain also green onions 😍 😋

The edge of the polar front has reached our northern border. Will eventually go to south and reach Greece

This covid has stopped my creativity completely... Can't put a single musical phrase together, nor to make a full song 😅 🤪

Meanwhile I see that Romania is doing pretty well dealing with the COVID19. although there are two cases in severe state, already 31 confirmed healed cases.

Still too early to have warnings officially issued, but expecting them being posted starting tomorrow morning. Compared to tomorrow's summer-like weather, Sunday the winter returns!

This cat looks like is taken from the first Kanon series 2005 😂

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