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Meanwhile, in Romania is total chaos, because our incompetent government did not manage to make clarifications about what happens once the emergency state ends. EVERYBODY is out. There is no continuation or smooth transition from emergency to alert state.
As expected from Romanian politicians 🤪

It's not enough that is so much dirt that is unreasonable to wash the car daily, some imbecile managed to scratch my poor Mitsu, while illegally taking my neighbour's private parking spot.

Expecting and bracing for a painful day... Fast oscillations will trigger the tumors...

... woke up from a dream in which I became GUMI.... 🤨😳

back in bed now, not just because night, but mostly because the little sign of healing I have now on my left leg I want to last and evolve further in the good direction.

If you think that Romanians aren't crazy, think again. The governments lock down enforcement has ended here at midnight, and people have started shooting fireworks, walking out in groups, and even street-racing....
*insert facepalm emoticon here

Many many thanks!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
季節が変わる - I'm so in love with you v2020

SO tired after today's work, everything hurts, but I think is worth it.

New door mounted today, we barely managed to get it up here, "only" 132 kilos! 💦💦💦💦
Tomorrow wall repairs 😊

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