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Risking and making the video for NND only. I see how soundcloud is avoided by almost everybody these days... I wonder why....

I think I need a "bigger shovel" for this song... especially on Twatter ... errmmm Twitter 🤪

... yeah.. I keep posting it, in hope that you would listen it....

Can you figure out who when sings? 🤪 I promise that if you will listen to this it won't bite, nor hurt. But I can't promise immunity against "kawaiibetes" 🤪

I think the most difficult in making the visual would be to mark down who when sings. Of course... neutrino had to do a totally overlapped vocal arrangement, because why not!? 🤪
(In fact that's the beauty of it: manage to point out who's singing when in parallel with the cute message, and it will clarify also the imagination for a stage performance I was dreaming about when I wrote this)

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Mushroom rice and fried chicken hearts ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ もぐもぐもぐ🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😊

After so many years there's still no good video for this...
[パラレルワールド] [VOCALOID] -v2020

The Romanian authorities are ready for the new lockdown, more restrictive, more damaging to the economy, more fascist-communist than ever. I might need to start thinking about either ask overseas asylum, or to gather what ever power I still have left in me and fight them with my all might until the end, because i know I now have no chance of winning, they have become more powerful than back in late 80's.

You know I'm listening it on repeat, because I'm still undecided if is worth trying making a video for it. At least now is made public... but who knows for how long. [パラレルワールド] [VOCALOID] -v2020 :dot_gumi: :dot_miku: :dot_rin: ⁉️ (missing Miki?)

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