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But first I have to update V5 to 5.5.0, then restart the computer, it started lagging and needs cache cleared

Now I wish I could find people to collaborate....
It would be good to have somebody to make an art so I could put the lyrics on it in the video, but honestly... I don't quite feel the image as "modern" and colourful, feels more like something from the VHS era 😂

Must stop for now, brainstorming later, now rest time.
Whether you will listen the demo BGM or not... is not important now.
Hopefully I won't get the same "cold shoulder" when the full song is being released, and maybe some art help might be good.....

Needs an intro, and I need to add one part with guitar solo and the "in to the grave" ending, but this is what I've got so far. Please listen by all means, this is what I was usually writing for my band to perform on stages (and taking the festivals' trophies too!)

The way it "looks" so far... still need to think about intro and the ending, and then to add the voices....

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has no intro yet, and still brainstorming of the ending where speech is happening

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Who wants to waste 3 minutes and half of their lives listening to what I've done so far with the BGM?

Will I be able to write, play and record the new BGM in works...?....

Doc just left, and the rain has started
Will have to take strong antibiotics for 3 days, my "self-rejection" is just showing up and needs to be kept in check.

The way things are happening right now, I feel that VR is going away sooner than predicted. Not developing an "Accel World" type implant is going to be the "doom of VR". Though there's the risk of tampering by hacking or government agencies, is still what would be the best.
Or maybe it's just my limited mind that thinks this way 🤪

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