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I started altering the game physics, and now it feels more like supersaiyan 😂 And I also want to alter some ammo properties, like a bullet to have the impact force of a buss, or the m203 grenade to be a small nuclear warhead 😂


I just checked my weight, and because I spent so much time in bed and not going out as often, I gained 4 Kg, now I have 82 instead of 78. It would be "ideal weight" by the "standards" since I am 182cm tall, but... my legs are suffering more 😅



meanwhile... my fight to recover my hands abilities is not over. Not giving up yet. I still want to make at least one more song.

Just a headsup 

I just received tons of threats and lots of calling me false claims. Why? Because the "conspiracy theory" which I was accused of being paranoid for has just become truth. Now I must endure the consequences 😂

It's so refreshing to see many people thinking the same way as myself. We shouldn't hide ourselves from politics, we should debate them, we should discuss each issue, and we should all contribute to a better outcome for our world, so we can leave after us a better legacy.

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