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The 43" monitor was changed, this one is not "Made in China" but in Malaysia.
The first thing I've noticed is: no dead pixels, and pure neutral white backlight! It's such a high importance that the backlight is the correct colour, not blue, all the colours are reproduced correctly, and the monitor is very easy to calibrate.


Assessing damage:
Besides the screen, the PA also has suffered damage, now I repaired it.
I am waiting now for the cement to dry before mounting the isolation back. This old building is very unpredictable.
And yeah... I need a better cable management too.
Doc says that the bruises on my head and back aren't a big deal, so I can rest assured on that.

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well.. accidents happen.... good thing that the piece of ceiling didn't hit me. Replacement screen will arrive by weekend or next week

Trying a new monitor placement and trying to get used to it. The hardest is to get used to drag windows to the right instead of upwards 😂

What would you do with two 4K monitors?

Just learning that a LOT of Japanese people are leaving Twitter and joining Gab. Many are seeking freedom of speech. Gab servers need to be upgraded again to allow the highest traffic. Exodus is happening.

Waiting for winter themed lyrics to arrive anytime soon. Should I make it into a song?

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