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Please send some snow to my city.... PLEASE 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❄❄🤣

The MSM and the Big Tech have started rolling back their censorship for some reason!
Failbug stopped promoting 'only trusted sources', while Twatter has restored the direct retweet.
They might see it now: their effort to hide corruption is no longer effective, and they are afraid of losing everything.

OMG there's so much snow now in Japan, I want some! 🤣 ☃❄❄❄❄❄

Funny how there's a tsunami of information lately, and I can get around the censorship and obtain it. And even funnier is that the amount of the information doesn't allows the writers to double-check for misspellings so there are plenty of typos and grammar mistakes in the posts. But the messages are clear now. The corruption is not just in USA. It is EVERYWHERE. And everything goes around the CCP....

I find it interesting, and being a "digital soldier" in the search of the truth, I must share 

New names are showing up lately when the forensic analysis on connections are made. Who thought about such a company?

Human reproduction at risk? 

A new study says that the virus is making men sterile, and there's suspicion that the vaccine makes women infertile. World depopulation in progress?

How can I compose a winter themed song, if we won't get snow, we are still under night time curfew (like the virus is spreading more at night), and there's so much danger of communism to take over the world...
I'm scared....

Still can't get over it, the year 2020 is the year of my Mitsu 🤗 🤪 🤣

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