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🙏 🙏 🙏 :dot_gumi:

It's Sunday and I still have not done anything about the new song. Will eat this creepy Santa, some inspiration might come 🤪🤣

WTF? Thunderstorm detected in Montenegro, moving towards my region...

Still not inspired to make the new song.... with Irish influences.... about Emerald Isle.... being unable to go out, no snow, nothing to inspire me....

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Snow accumulation forecast for the next 10 days Over 1m in some places?
Compared to my place where less than 15cm is expected... or nearly nothing...


It's obvious that my mind is still hooked on the stage performance of a full orchestra.... I miss those days....

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ボーカロイド好きが集うMastodonインスタンス、通称「ボカロ丼(ボカロドン)」です。 ** This server is for "Vocaloid" lovers. If you are not, please select other server. **
