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Since I'm still bugged by my latest song Emerald and White, and no other inspiration yet, it's time for "А ну чики брики и в дамки!" (Stalker bandit talk) 😂

A decade ago, when I was reading about "emo", I was always confounding it with emu (bird) 🤣

It seems it has become more and more difficult to get out a song even if is categorized as "new release". Many will just ignore.
...Discouraging the creator...

Despite banning and hate, youtube has managed to make some listeners to comment. Still, only 41 views, compared to NicoNico where 248 views and quite high ranking for this small neutrino (THANK YOU!!!)

Waiting for this monster to arrive with lots of rain and wind. The wind is tempting though, but can't go anywhere due to nazi-fascism which the authorities are complacent to impose on everybody.

Would have been lovely if the song would have been shared a lot. I don't think it's a bad clip either. 「GUMI」Emerald and White 「ORIGINAL」


So tired......😪
Took me the whole evening, the whole night, the whole morning and barely finished at noon. I think I kind of overworked myself again 🤪 :dot_gumi: but GUMI deserves it 🤗 :gumi1:

I don't know why I like Sely GUMI this much. Maybe because is more "polished model" ?

It takes awfully long to be processed, I think it's a challenge for NND encoders to do the job 😅

THis is the largest video I ever uploading to NND... I wonder if it will be posted or rejected

The video came out decent. 1.10Gb in size 😂 Waiting for upload....

Slowly advancing with the body motion....😓 💦💦💦💦💦💦

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