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My messy creative corner, waiting for me to get ready for another creation. That's my weapon, and I'm not afraid to use it. 💪 😁



「GUMI」Emerald and White 「ORIGINAL」

WOW 600 plays! Ultra Many THANK YOU m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏m(__)m🙏❤🎵🎶🎵😍🥰 :dot_gumi:

All of a sudden 12°C in January.... Perfect climate to spread the flu.

Regular basis questions:
1) Why use of Sely GUMI model and not Mamama GUMI?
Because it fits better for English facial motion.
2) Why use of Reaper to record Montage, and not just paint the same in FLStudio?
Because I'm a musician, and I like to make my music on musical instruments, not by mouse.
...and there are plenty more, I have answers to all 🤣

That's irony at its best: Google is one of the gold sponsors of #FOSDEM, and less than a week before the conference begins, it removes #Element from the Play Store. Element is the most-used application for access to the #Matrix infrastructure that FOSDEM depends on.

Let's see if it will play the sound of cheeki breeki
А ну чики брики и в дамки!
😂 One of the best of best bandit voices ever.

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