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I shared this song enough times, that the winter has decided to come at my place 🤪🤣🥶

🥶❄️😆🤣 I had to clean Mitsu, and right when I finished, it restarted snowing ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️🤣

And in news, my surgery rescheduled a week early, it will happen this Friday.

Any laptop from 2013-2016 generation, if the HDD is replaced with SSD will go lightning fast.
Think twice before spending on "new gear"

The moment when the laptop builders are selling very low configurations with SSD at the prices of "new technology"..... They take advantage of the faster rate of data transfer of a SSD, which with a regular cheap HDD 5400 RPM would not be appreciated even with Windows 7

Another flu season is active in Romania, especially in my city. We know it's seasonal flu. But the authorities "know better" and they are rising the political infection to max 🤡
It's a clown world today..... sad but true.

@neutrinoP In Japan, old man said "Speech is silver but silence is golden. " 😂

Romania is protesting since 5 days ago against the new communist regime. Either we start the revolution, or we put the military in charge, lock down the borders, enforce martial law, hunt the criminals still acting as in power, and either way, we might have the second chance to start it over.
31 years ago we hoped for true democracy, now we're under siege of global communism disguised under the name of "democracy". And their best excuse to enforce obedience is a freaking flu virus!


Huge storms as big as the Black Sea, and yes, in India is happening too.

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