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Since it's the Romanian Pentecost, I went to the lake earlier.Was relaxing there. But to reach there is a real challenge, so many crazies, so many "street racers", and if it was not enough, huge traffic because it's the Romanian Pentecost. Add to all of those the early stages of roadworks ... and... it's the most stressful 45 + 45 minutes EVER 🤣🤪
Now to recover with antistress: TUBORG BEER 🍻🍻🍻🤣

Was hoping for clearer skies.... and the twilight was already strong😅

I still have not convinced various instrument players to try playing this song by ear. They say it's "TOO DIFFICULT!"
Well... is it?

I opened the Facebook app on the phone, and instantly got invaded with ads. So many ads, that it made me not just to close the app, but immediately I uninstalled the suckerberg! 🤭🤪
Next would be Twatter.
Just like I said days ago, this is the sign of their loss.🤪

Black Sea cyclone coming to Romania... Not so impressive for the part where I am though, the mountains will destroy the storm

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