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I'm grateful that I could drive tonight, and I could get these two pictures at the lake 🙏🙏🙏
I also notice the differences from usual sky of September.
Used ISO3200, so the granulation is high 😊😅

I had to... but man... the new UI is as awful as it gets, just like any "WOKE" thing. Lucky me, my GUMI theme saves the day 🤣 :dot_gumi:

my new gear: laptop to keep me company when I'm sleeping, so the big one stays turned off most of the time 🤪

And... surgery in 3 days, then need to seek cheap but reliable components to build a new PC, the 8 years old one has burned the mobo and CPU 🤪

The last two songs with "Seasons" themed are scheduled for release in September 8th

Two of my final songs are on the GUMI 12th anniversary album. m(__)m :dot_gumi: 🙏 :gumi1: 😊

No outside for me today either, the strange skies are causing me a lot of discomfort. So... doc gave me a remedy 🤪🤪🤪🤣🤯


I think I will put "MD" and "PhD" attached to my name.
I have the same as Bill Gates has!

One last heatwave expected for today and two more days, but not as hot as previous, temps below 40°C (it's normal I might say). Starting Tuesday the first autumnal signs in the pattern will settle.

Even without resources and with Mitsu running on vapor, and defying the pain, I went this early morning to capture these images.

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