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There's no tsunami at this lake....yet 🤪🤣 Only cold and blue... and lots of ducks 🥶🥶🥶🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🤪

I see plenty of tsunami warnings. Please take care! 🙏

I see that the "Invisible Particle "neutrino is still invisible, but is being noticed occasionally 🤪🙏🤣 :dot_gumi:

If I would afford it, I would order a Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross Instyle+ full option, preferable pearl white without PHEV and with S-AWC and 1.5 turbo engine. I love that SUV, doc has it and I know it's my dream car. But since I cannot afford it, my cute Mitsu Colt is enough 🥰

The first wash for Mitsu in the year, now she's clean and shiny 🥰🥰🥰❤️🙏🙏🤣🤪 :dot_gumi:

No, it's not "clear skies" now, it's low altitude clouds. -3°C and dry. Missing the white winters of my childhood....

Advantage of me playing the instruments and putting them in solid tracks: so little number of tracks needed. 🤪

Did not go last night to the lake, despite having clear skies.
I preferred to stay at home where is warm 27°C, and not freeze myself in -15°C at the lake 🥶🤪🤣

Conclusion: I'm very happy with what I have, despite dreaming to something bigger. I'm old, and my days are very limited due to my issue. And... yeah.. there's nobody around here to inherit them anyways 🤣👴🤪

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