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The mitral valve repair went smooth, 4 weeks of recovery ahead.

Will return to the lake when it's getting dark, I might be lucky and get some storms in my cute new dress to blow 🤪🤡🤣


Found few days ago a perfectly functional ROSTOV reel to reel tape recorder, took one tape of mine and tested it.
Having the laptop with me, I recorded the entire tape.
It's the Pet Shop Boys "Introspective" album, copy after original studio tape, not from LP.
I had very little adjustments to do to the recording, the age of the tape, the flutter effect, the little noise from these OR-WO tapes, but everything is there, quality, stereo separation, frequency range.


From the time when we were listening to all sounds they put in there, enjoying the stereo, and when music, no matter how long a song it was, it had a meaning even without words.
80s were really good times.

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Found few days ago a perfectly functional ROSTOV reel to reel tape recorder, took one tape of mine and tested it.
Having the laptop with me, I recorded the entire tape.
It's the Pet Shop Boys "Introspective" album, copy after original studio tape, not from LP.
I had very little adjustments to do to the recording, the age of the tape, the flutter effect, the little noise from these OR-WO tapes, but everything is there, quality, stereo separation, frequency range.

My new gear.
Had to, the 42°C outside has pushed me to get this unit.
Very efficient, yet is quite expensive, and power hungry, but using it just average 1 hour in these hot days will not make my electricity bill to explode.

The regular first heatwave of the year has arrived here a week earlier. We have today 37☀️°C, tomorrow 41°C expected 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵

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