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As a creator, now I would definitely have a good use of an AI powered motion maker 🤣🤪
Naaaahhhhh just joking.
It's still pleasant to make everything by hand.

I keep forgetting that I'm not equipped with AMD processor in my brain, but instead with a tumor, and I try multi-tasking like crazy: editing mouth morphing, posting politics, watching DBZ, looking after mom.... making coffee.... drinking it... all at once 🤣
Got pretty far with the lip motion, I have one more bridge and one more chorus to fill, and then... to think about how to make the body to move a little, to not leave GUMI just staring motionless.

NovelAI 初音ミクに対する理解だけ非常に高い事だけわかった

hatsne miku ,green onion,happy,smileでこれ出してくる好き

And being right after surgery, with the sleepiness caused by the medicine, I think I will take a nap before I will continue. 😊 :dot_gumi:

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Lip motion will take awfully long time to make, I'm only at 1769 frame out of 7600...

Sarah has "smoked" Ellie, but GUMI has "smoked" both of them 🤣🤣🥰 :dot_gumi:

Let's see how long it will take for me to do this lip motion... It's been a while LOL
If I fail... I might go try to catch Bubbles 🤣🤪

The audio is ready, now to have some coffee and start making the lip motion on MMD

Question: is an MMD model of GUMI V6 available yet?
If not, I will try to make the video with Sely GUMI

WHY!!!??? Why GUMI has to be so CUTE???? WHYYYYY???? 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💓💓💓💓💓🤣

Time to test GUMI V6 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🤣

:dot_gumi: I so wish there would be English Megpoid V6 ...
But I can only dream about....

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