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I wish that there would be many people helping me out, if not for the critical brain surgery, at least to make sure that I have what to eat.

Quite a transformation for my guardian angel today. I have nothing against that! 🤣

Here we have excessive drought.
And a significant temperature drop is expected to hit starting tomorrow until Monday, freezing everything.

While at the clinic I messed with my picture a little. This is how I would look if I would have had teeth in my mouth 🤣🤣🤣
Also, I wear neutrinoP as usual for Halloween. No other costume beats me.🤪

Monitoring the sun closely, the rising proton flux I'm concerned about, it can trigger more coma reprises.

Time for me to put bandages, and to try to get outside and buy bread.
At least that much I must be able to do!

Got back from coma and after managing to get up on my feet again I noticed that I can also hear something. SO as I promised, I instantly processed the Romanian song "Promisiuni" and now I have put it on bandcamp!

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