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Please try translating this, and see if you can understand what I wrote 😂

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Peste trei zile voi trece prin a doisprezecea operatie asupra tumorii din creier, ca să-i reducă efectul de presiune asupra masei cerebrale. Va urma un lung tratament de evitare a infecțiilor, coroborat cu anularea efectelor de paralizie temporară a mâinilor. Sper ca totul să iasă bine!

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Let's see if the following post will be translated by Google in a manner which will be understood by everybody ->

Current schedule of doing nothing and just taking medication is so much tiresome than when I'm producing something... Can't wait to get through this surgery already! 3 more days...

I'm afraid most all of you are missing out on this German pastry delicacy known as "Little Mountain Peaks" (also called "mountain climber" or "shrapnel" in some parts of the country):

cocoa, buttercream, waffle floor & shortcrust mixed together, covered in dark chocolate. So yummy 💕

Today was summer, 23°C. TOmorrow 17°C, Tuesday 10°C max and -5°C in the morning.... 🤯

Waze uses google data, but also updates from user data. Tonight I reported so many potholes and road kills, I think I've gained a lot of points 😅

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