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Short call from doc. Nurse has died after catching COVID19 second time. May GOD give happiness to her soul forever 🙏.

the truth about "proof of artificial tampering" seems to come out now: Media outlets are disclosing here that the chinese have taken a bat protein and infused the existent SARS virus found in rats. The same thing my doc and nurse were suspecting and telling me since more than a month ago.

Update Please read carefully 

my nurse has fighting the covid19 since nearly a month ago. Now she got it second time, and she's in coma. Everything she told me is surfacing now. Please! Please stay safe, everyone, don't take it lightly, this virus has already mutated so much, it can infect people who had it by tricking the immune system. It's extremely dangerous.

Yesterday's "trolling" I ran on my FB has resulted in many controversial replies (none of them were expecting the desired answer though🤣 )
But the sad news is that I was informing through the lines about what's going on, and also one of my deepest fears, the return of the covid to the healed patients. My dear nurse is in coma now, very uncertain conditions, I might lost a trusting friend. This confirms all that I wrote, everybody else was against what I wrote there, several "friends" have "unfriended" me over the facts I said. And now this!
This article is confirming everything I said so far. Nurse was right. We're not going in the right direction. And I'm so sorry to tell now everybody there "See? I told you so!"

「GUMI」ニュートリノ 「MONTAGE8」 - v2019
(wondering now what I was thinking when I was making this.... 🤣 🤪 )

just up after a strange dream with me being at a rehearsal, encountering an M1 keyboard on top of a JX-8P and a Nord Electro3 on the side, and... started The Final Countdown.... and right beside me was Joey Tempest, and when he started to sing I woke up🤪

Several wounds are opening again. The one on my left leg keeps leaking. The tumors are giving me 30-45 minutes of pain 7-8 times a day. There's nothing that can be done now.
What should I do?

775mmHg pressure... it's way too high for me to handle

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