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Me on twitter....
Everybody else "IGNORE!!!!!!" 🤪 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Time to go to sign the contract for the apartment entrance door replacement.

The Original Cookie specification from 1997 was GDPR compliant

> We were never supposed to be able to do what most publishers and tech companies do today. In fact, what if I were to tell you that the original specification for how cookies should be implemented in browsers pretty much defined what GDPR is today?

Imagine back to a time when people thought user agents would be agents for the user.

#browser #development #html #standard #web


I wasn't expecting it... I thought that with the very low view count it will stay out of ranking.


I also remembered I was asking Tempo "are you SURE about kuu-sou-no ???" 😂 空想の世界
I was so scared, I did not wanted to make any mistakes in pronunciation, especially with such a close-to-curse word 😂

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Blowing up my old PA (It was a Schneider Team 202R) while making this song, using Audition 3.0.1 as DAW.... OH BOY I was making a song in few hours!
[パラレルワールド] [VOCALOID] [neutrinoP & tempo-P] [ORIGINAL] (take 1)

The current door, nearly 80 years old... needs replaced
The replacement door, is nearly 500 USD (52,532 JPY), weights 120 Kg, and of course, I want it white and soundproof.

wasting time now, watching russians and poles crashing their cars, then I will play a little Stalker until the shop will open so I can go and make the contract for the entrance door replacement.

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