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Testing my abilities now, so i start a new Stalker game to see how am I doing...

Yesterday we got 36°C (with 41°C reading in sunny places).
Today the max temperature barely has reached 17°C.

August 14th the day of pressure regulation surgery. Next week the last two chemo batches. I don't know when I'm awake, whether I'm awake or still dreaming.... CONFUSION.

Just tested my ears. Both have a sharp cutoff at 12255Hz, matching with my tinnitus too, and nothing above is heard anymore. I'm old... I know....👴😅

After these 3 hot days, Sunday will become unusually cold for this time of the year.

On the bright side, they just finished dressing up the cultural centre in LED lights 🤪 🤣

Disturbing image 

I decided to show how the leg wounds are multiplying, as a result of side effects of chemo... Is painful indeed, is hard to walk, but since the brain tumor now hurts a lot, it makes this pain to feel like a mosquito bite in comparison.

When I keep the location services active, Google knows where I am and records it on the map. No need for other tracking apps, this is enough.

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