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【地震情報 2020年7月28日】
#地震 #岩手県 #宮城県

... and I'm still searching for a source for a ultra-thin, ultra-light peachskin silk fabric....

Confession: I would drink very much tea, but there's an issue with any sort of tea for me: after one cup I have to drink at least 1 litre of water, that's how thirsty I feel. I know I'm an alien. 😂

now that I'm full and pills also taken... more sleep follows 😅

Fried pork chop and fried potatoes together, and lots of chilli powder and garlic powder 🤪❤️もぐもぐもぐ🙏🙏🙏

From Twitter:
】そして「FULL OF LOVE!!」には
キャラクターソング「恋のジングル」も収録Heart exclamation
80年代アイドルの世界観を作編曲 コモリタミノル、作詞 児玉雨子のタッグが手掛けますSparklesSparkles

Btw let's all send a Happy Birthday to mr Murakami Noboru, the CEO today 🤗 🎉 🎁 🎂

Time to let the beer clean the toxins from within myself, and have another long and peaceful sleep 😊
(Hopefully I won't dream again about becoming GUMI!)

Can't believe.... Already a year!
Well, Haruno Sora will always be 17, so... 🤗

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