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Getting ready to rest, tonight I would like to continue recording the new difficult parts.

Good to see that nowadays Montage8 I have is Made in Japan 😍 🤗

It's the same reason my Yamaha DGX505 gave up on me after 12 years of "torment under my heavy hands". All the plastic components, including the exterior case, have cracked and deformed.
And guess where it was manufactured: Made in China 🤣

Those |Made for EMEA countries" laptops are like "one time use only"
Imagine throwing out 1-2K USD for a decent laptop... just to see it coming apart after 6-8 months....

At ariond 2014-2015 even the laptops have started to have "eco-plastic-chassis" (Acer especially)
Once opened for cleaning the dust, you can throw it away, nothing will hold it back in its place anymore 🤣

I made the mistake to store a part of silk fabric in a "eco bag"...
Now I put it in a proper plastic bag for storage, the "eco bag" just melt 🤣

One of the apparel I like, and I find it very cute, beautiful, attractive, and brilliant.
Please don't judge me 😅

GUMI is always "yelling" with her smile at me: "start creating!" :dot_gumi:
Yes, that's where Montage8 stays and waits for my hands 🤣

Final load to be washed...
What can I do for the next 2 hours?

One of the hardest tasks in MMD models (and not just MMD) to make such apparel
(because collision boxes)

Time for coffee, to extend the energy a little more longer until the washing machine finishes the two full load tasks. ☕

Heart confession 

I was lucky.
I met the perfect woman. I was about to marry her and move to Japan with her, despite the difficulties. Sadly, I lost her in the 2011 tsunami.
Nowadays I feel like I would be ready to meet another woman. But since my heart is anchored in Japan, I would look for Japanese woman only. Because... GUMI? Maybe! But yes, if there will be the opportunity, and the mighty God will allow me to live this dream, I will follow her.

Mom sees the "old neutrino" emerging after I got 3 cans of beer (each 500ml and 6% alcohol 🤣 🤪)
But I still feel fresh enough for "conversational level"
Mom says "you're about to move the world again?" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Please allow me to share: MUSIC from Vocalekt Visions era:
「パラレルワールド」「VOCALOID」 v2020
neutrino style 😊

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