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Earlier I felt the desire to go driving, in hope that I can get some snow in the video.... but now I started to feel my tumors acting up, and also very tired and sleepy without any apparent reason. So.. not going anywhere.

I find it mindboggling how they are unable to follow simple basic rules when driving

And when we all look at my activity though... all I want is more GUMIGUMI :dot_gumi: :dot_gumi: :gumi1: 🤗

Now that I've exposed the "leftie" western vocaloid community... let's return to our lives and let's try to make ours better than theirs 🙏💪😁

Vocalounge joins the censorship, take note 

This explains why they banned me on that platform. This also explains why they were banning me from sharing my songs since several years ago. And this also explains why they are soooo HAPPY to be admins. I'm not a vengeful person, but I will be the last one laughing. Soon.

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Vocalounge joins the censorship, take note 

So I have the proof that I have not being posting "dangerous stuff" and I have my backup downloaded and saved. But these "admins" have decided that a Romanian Vocaloid producer is too dangerous because in seeking the proof of fraudulent elections in my own country I found out that almost everywhere now are frauds. Seeking truth it means supporting Trump to them, as expected from brainwashed people, and they had the excuse provided by their ally Antifa.

... hopefully I'm not getting banned from Vocalodon too... 🤪😅

uhhhh... doing research to see what's going on, but having the tap water frozen like this indoors is not good!

I find it funny how people are fleeing twatter, failbug, and now even parler, to join Gab. Gab can't be censored, but it still faces outage if is overwhelmed. They are adding more servers as I speak.

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ボーカロイド好きが集うMastodonインスタンス、通称「ボカロ丼(ボカロドン)」です。 ** This server is for "Vocaloid" lovers. If you are not, please select other server. **
