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Balcony thermometer shows 38.2 now. The pharmacy thermometer shows 44°C. I still manage to have 30°C indoors (good insulation).
I think it's time for the last beer in a long time. In the evening I want to go to chase some wind for my fetish.😆🤪👗

Fun stuff in which a "conspiracy theory" of mine has been proved true again today: the authorities are using "hail rockets" in hope that they are calming storms. Well, I said that the rockets have a different purpose, to destroy the crops.
Today, they have fired 6 rockets over a crop field, and indeed, 88% of the crops have been destroyed by fire. 🤡

Happy you, you have rain there....
I hope some rain will come here too by Thursday, but until then... two more days in which we might hit 50°C (NO JOKE!)

Watch, is worth your time. This is how we did it, and this is how a communist regime ends. I had my part in it, and I'm still proud of it.

One more public disclosure.
Yeah, I'm the one "gone bad". The one who got silenced and banned even before I was showing the truth. They knew I fought communism, so they were afraid that I'm rising in popularity, and therefore they have also fabricated stories about me.
Now I know who they are.
If we don't resist their takeover, it will be bad not just for us, but future generations as well.
I won't have kids, I can't procreate, I'm infertile due to XXY. But I'm still fighting for the future.

The more I know, the more questions to which I want answers to.
How big is the "swamp" actually?
All platforms and media are censoring the Cuban revolt. I can barely find information, the retaliation seems very strong.
Censorship everywhere, I'm using strong VPN to dig for information even those concerning my own country.
Has any news surfaced in Japan yet? Please inform. Thank you.

At the same time, I see "weather reports" showing that in my region there is 33°C the peak temperature. Well, guess what! Outside temperatures in shadows, all pharmacies have digital thermometers, and showing 43°C, and few in the sun are showing 48C. The forecast is that tomorrow and Wednesday is going to be hotter than today, with invasion of Saharan dirt.
I'm screwed.

Have you seen what's happening in Cuba yet? Finally they got up. Finally they had enough of being sheeple. When i said that we should not let down our guard and not allow the tyrants to seize powers, no one would listen, but instead telling everyone else "don't listen to neutrino, he's crazy, he's gone bad!" Really?
Here's one of the reports I found through the censorship, in Romania nothing about it comes in.

I think I decided: I will keep on making music, for my lyricist friend. But I won't publish any of them. If my friend decides to publish, is his choice. Not worthy to try bringing cuteness to a world full of haters.

Received mail, VOCALOTRACKS has agreed to sell my last 4 songs. 🎉

I have decided to fight the heat with another bear beer

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