@peyton @thicctora

y'all are way braver than I was making mains on vocalodon, I love that place but I can't nihongo to save my life so it's a side account lol

@MystSaphyr twas the only one I saw that I felt like having as a main 🤷‍♂️ i hope they don't hate me for not 100# tooting in jpn

@thicctora nah they're pretty chill! You might get some "gaikokujin?!" for a while but some of them attempt to reply in English and they're all very friendly

@thicctora NeutrinoP is a regular and he pretty much only posts in English haha


@MystSaphyr ok that's good to know. I'm trying to get better at japanese too so i think it's a good way to practice some more

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