
@neutrinoP このサイズくらいのPanasonicのスピーカーが置けたら良いんですが、私の部屋は狭いです


@dj_beatmover Consider the size of the room, (4,5m/4,5m/3,2m my room) and chooser wisely: not the power matters, but the size! If is big, it will give enough air displacement to feel the bass even at 0.6W power as I use to obtain 78dB for audition.

@dj_beatmover If I rise the power to 2x3W I can't stay in the room anymore, is too loud!
Is more important to have power to spare (just in case you want to annoy some neighbours) but in daily usage, very low power, and (this is very important!) no forced frequencies on small speakers! Everything must flow freely from at least as low as 30Hz to as high as you can perceive (me.. 12kHz most haha)

@dj_beatmover Also, please allow me to tell you my personal taste (and I hope everybody sees this!)
I had Creative Studio monitors 5.1 and 7.1 too. They are no match to a heavy vintage PA on heavy large vintage speakers! And if you want surround, then use the same system for back in quad setup. That's all you need.
This is how I perceive very good sound....


@dj_beatmover Just imagine: this Romanian PA has a lot of hissing noise if is set to 100% power, I use it on the 1.5% power setting where the noise is barely audible. And this PA is all on transistors! No IC, no advanced technologies, is from 1979. And nothing more recent than this can give the sound I have with it.

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