
Covid disclosure 

After my nurse died (doc's sister!), doc has been looking into this very carefully, even if its outside his expertise. He was surprised to learn that
1) If you have flu vaccine, you turn out positive for covid
2) those without flu vaccine are healing instantly from the infection
3) Nurse had her flu shot, the second covid attack has caused blood clot which caused her death.
4) Age doesn't matter, unaltered immune system fights successfully against any cold.

Covid disclosure 

Now doc says that the science behind finding the cure for covid is to find the antidote to the flu shot which has caused "irreversible damage" to the human immune system.
My "conspiracy theory neuron" has been triggered! Now I see that someone has being preparing this for decades. 🤪

Covid disclosure 

@neutrinoP Yes: it is all part of the long-prepared plan.

Alongside other corrupt initiatives such as the Cloward–Piven strategy and Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi's scheme, it forms a chunk of the overall policy to destroy our society and make us all controlled slaves of the self-appointed 'elite.'

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