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At 4:30 AM, the moon was setting but still strong enough light from it. Also Orion through the clouds.

Was challenged and I accepted 

Was good to see if my Mitsu still holds up. Indeed, is allowing me to keep the pace with a powerful SUV climbing that steep hill. Now I'm sure that the engine has the 101HP written in the car's book when it was brought in the country by our authority.

Was Sunday again, was taking pics at the lake again. The mountains are stopping the snowstorms on them, everything to their north is protected.

Funny to see Facebook and affiliates down, people also down, and the domains listed for sale.
Someone has pulled the wrong plug 🤣

"Autumn song.... autumn song.... Here it is! Autumn song!"
「GUMI」 The Falling Season 「ORIGINAL」
:dot_gumi: 🤪 :gumi1: 🤗

Conspiracy Theory 

They are doing it by the book it seems. (The Limits To Growth - 1972)

@m_a Not just twatter, but youtube too. Can you find any Vocalekt Visions' works lately on youtube? I think not.

Truth exposed 

I just have been notified about this. And I gave proper thanks to the one uncovering it.

I can see Orion. Betelgeuse and Rigel, and the 3 belt stars. But everything is surrounded by so many stars, I can't count them.

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