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Have been forced to reactivate my tiktok account....
Someone has posted a song there claiming it's hers.
Time to redeem the copyright, right?

Is this true?
"Tokyo, in particular, has the highest unmarried rates for 50-year-olds in the country, with 32% of men and 24% of women remaining single."

I think I would fit there nicely 🤣


Your screen might experience malfunction after seeing these images 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤪👺👹🤡

Available on X only.
Here I come again, with my 2016 composition remade these days despite the odds.
V6 Ai sings "Not The Same".
Music and lyrics: neutrinoP
Lyrics helper my friend who wanted to remain anonymous (Blank).
It resonates nowadays stronger than back in 2016!

Available on X only.
Here I come again, with my 2016 composition remade these days despite the odds.
V6 Ai sings "Not The Same".
Music and lyrics: neutrinoP
Lyrics helper my friend who wanted to remain anonymous (Blank).
It resonates nowadays stronger than back in 2016!

Made a little fun of a friend in North Carolina earlier, when he said "I can see northern lights from here!".
My reply was "It would be trouble some if you would see the southern lights there!".
But in reality, if the sun generates a much bigger eruption, which is not impossible, such events are definitely possible to happen, and that would mean that we would return to candle light, zero electronics.

I keep monitoring the conditions and I see another X class flare just happening

@Fivesprings Funnier is, my video on X is really giving the "has been deleted" error to many users LOL Censorship as usual.

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