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I'm working on a "very simple song" with autumn lyrics, and I still have to record the solo and the final refrain before starting making the voices.

This year's November starting with totally clear skies thanks to the polar anomaly 😅

The last October day. Apparently the people responsible with the fountain are in quarantine. So much dirt and mud in the water. But at least they cut the overgrown branches on the coronatrees 🤣

Having massive power outages here now, and the frustrated police is questioning me why I still have power.... (Romania 2020)

lol... while I was comfortably having all the gears I needed, I wasn't able to do anything because my body doesn't allows me to do anything. Now it's worse, the only "window to the world" is just my phone.
Need patience, next week maybe.


My nearly 4 years old 32" 4K monitor gave up. I received a very substantial help, so I'm taking the opportunity to "upgrade" to 43" now. But the issue is: NEED MORE SPACE!!! 😂 Must thinker around, arrange the "cows" (huge speakers) differently, and the last resort is to put the PC unit under the table. Kinda risky, it will absorb a lot of dust there, but... it's my final option.

I'm so angry at myself for not being able to create anything new yet...

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