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The autumn song is favourited by lyricist JWard-L, he says is the best one of our collaboration so far. Funny is that it tells about his age too 😂

When trying to post the video cut from niconico to twitter it comes out very distorted. I think the codecs used to extract the fragment aren't working correctly.

I caught Twitter censoring my new song. Their reason: "he supports Trump!"

My heart rate now is between 109 - 138 bpm which tells me that my genes are inherited from my father's line. The longevity of that branch is maximum 53 years old. Cause of death: heart failure.

I should go try to sleep some, after working since yesterday morning.... 😅

@neutrinoP I like this song. Lyrics is good. I felt a taste of Tanka in English. Good job... gooood job !

Need help
I would need a cute GUMI image in autumn scenery, if someone happens to have one or know about, please let me know! 🙏

Finally I can see everything clearly on this 43" screen 🙏🙏🙏😂

"Black Friday" = "display an outrageous price and show how much 'discount' one gets"😅

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