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My sweet 24 hours will be sustained by this: honey and polen. Yum💕❤️🍯😋

I'm interested! Anyone knows some details, please? 【隕石衝突の可能性】20時ごろ、札幌で強い地震が発生した模様 一瞬で終わった・地鳴り・地響き・家が揺れたなど、ツイート多数

As much as I keep the level of highs as low as possible for linear output, 6 tweeters are not pushing enough air for my ears to hear the frequencies above 11kHz. That tells a lot about how much my hearing has degraded already. I will have to boost eventually the "treble", kicking out from linearity.

Having FL Studio.... never using it, it's FL Useless 🤪🤣

I must be very careful, with the new tyres, Mitsu is going too fast without any effort, or without me realizing it.

After I watched all those people working hard.... I'm the one who got tired 🤪🤣 Now I have to do some house-chores before resting.

New tyres, full cleanup! ❤️❤️❤️Shiny😍😍😍💕🤣🤪 The 4 years old tyres were too tired, so I had to get new ones. HUGE difference. (notice the wordplay😆🤪🤡)

my left leg ⚠️ 

the main big wound on it stays closed, but there are many small holes surrounding it. hurts but it's manageable

April weather, today feels like summer, tomorrow winter returning as expected 🤪🤪🤪

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