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Just checked the status I have on Waze, haven't checked it since 3 years ago. Bow to me, I'm the emperor of the road 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤣

Romanian meteorologists: beginning of summer with temperatures like February!
Me: Climate Change! 🤪🤪🤪

Should I?....
The geek in me says "do it", the user in me says "don't touch it!" 🤪🤣

Windows update = potential hazardous, needs attention 🤣🤣🤣 I think it's related to their "pride release", Malwarebytes is as straight as I am 🤣

Got premium service of Malwarebytes.
Fun stuff!
Now even Facebook is recognized as MALWARE! 🤪🤣👍


so much every new day. Me and doc did plenty of research too since my nurse died, and we know since nearly a year that the spike protein is the toxin.
Now we see secret documents leaked on purpose, confirming EVERYTHING we discovered. I think now I can have my doctorate taken in mRNA and DNA engineering 🤣🤣🤣🤪

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That's how the document I received and just read from Pfizer is named. "Biodistribution" study of mRNA vaccines, which proves that he mRNA moves from the injection site to the blood, then circulates spike proteins throughout the body, attacking the ovaries, liver, neurological tissues, other organs. This is hopefully the study that will result in mRNA vaccines being pulled from the market!


I sent the last 4 songs to be considered for being distributed via Vocalotracks, and we will see if they will be published there or not. Lately there are not so many listeners to my songs.

Please build the temple near me, i need inspiration 🙏😊😆

Finally I could wash Mitsu again. But no worries, next Tuesday will be Medardus and it will be raining... that means that according to the folklore here, 40 days of rain follows after that 😆

Some people are getting it. They are finally come to realize what just happened world wide, and how we are all affected even if some of us don't "feel it" yet. But I'm in since nearly a decade ago, I felt the fire and brimstone from so many "I would do it better" people (who did nothing else than talking bad about me and my works) and now I feel the weight of the tombstone they've put over me.
It's not about me to wake up, I'm awake. It's about many others.

Windy .com implementing the 3D map for premium users just for fun. It should be good also for more precise alignment of the satellite data which is currently unavailable in 3D, only in 2D.

The asteroid 2021KT1 (bigger than the "I fell tower"🤪🤪🤪) passing Earth and aprox. 19 lunar distances. Still considered "potentially hazardous".

The censorship is very heavy on my part, I'm being banned from even reach out this information. But i still can reach it, later than usual. But this year I don't think I will have anything done for the event.
In other hands, whoever wants to contribute, please join!

While I'm still unable to create, I want to thank you for not forgetting about me. m(__)m

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