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Doc got me about 30 cans of beer, and I still have not touched them. Let's start with this one, since I don't have to go out today. Will see what happens next, and I suspect that I will fall asleep very fast 🤣
Cheers! 🍻

... should I? 🙏🙏🙏🙏🤪🤣
Doc also said that I need such thing some time to time. He brought me many beers 🍺🍺🍻😊

Confession (for who's interested) 

Better thought: there is hope!
There is the hope that the righteous people will start making the right moves and make the laws which will guide the people to do things right and correct. And it's the hope that those who have generated the mayhem and the depression will be held accountable.

And there is hope that I can finally get a new song out soon. GUMI needs more love. And this neutrino too.

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Confession (for who's interested) 

And what I've learn was such a shock, it made me wishing that I would have never touched the subject.
But there's that part of me, which stupidly cares about people, no matter if they are on my side or not. Everybody deserves their chance to make a better life on this planet.
That's why, the revolutionary from 31 years ago who helped destroying communist regime is now fighting the cabal despite the paralysis and pain. But that is also stopping the music.

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Confession (for who's interested) 

And what about the "conspiracy theory" which I said that the "mRNA vaccine" is nothing more than a depopulation weapon and they are using the political flu as opportunity to inject as many people as they can? How did I know that? Because I have the official statements and documents and I paid attention to what's happening world wide.
My wish of making a global event of VOCALOID, "bigger than New Years Eve" has put me in position to learn about the ruling class.🤢

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Confession (for who's interested) 

When I said that "antifa" has came forward in some streams in Jan 6 and claimed that the assault was premeditated and organized by them, the same people who were refusing to share my songs online were the ones accusing me of "inciting to insurrection" and have banned me and my works. What are they afraid of?
When I said that the USA election is rigged and the MSM is pushing the fraud as legal, that has also put me in the "grave".
No, I can't be kind to treason.

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Confession (for who's interested) 

Remember when I was saying that people of the world, and especially the USA, are indoctrinated to believe the Marxism is something good? Now even North Korean defectors are fleeing USA because "it's beyond crazy", they flew NK because of the regime just to find one worse in USA?
Remember when I said that it's a political flu made in China by global corporate interests?
I'm not happy that is no longer a "conspiracy theory". (and I have plenty more)

YYYYYUUUUUUUUGE galactic core visible now. Also meteor strike, and also Andromeda 😊🤪 :dot_gumi:

If we wouldn't have the DST, 4 AM would be 3 AM. But with this summer time, 4 AM is already too late for galactic core pictures. And a cloud was just sneaking in too 🤪🤣If I can one of the following mornings to be there at 3 AM when the sky is clear, even if the galactic core is not aligned with the mountains, but I think there will be no more clear sky morning this month. That's how lit the sky would be at 3 AM in Japan! Not good for stargazers, and it's normal, it's summer! 🤣

Now I have my cute Mitsu sitting in its own personal parking spot. Lots of things have changed.

Feels like June, but this is not how the sky looks like at this time of the year. Way too much blue.

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